BPM tools now used for complex event processing architecture

by  George Lawton ,  TechTarget.com

The rise of big data is creating new challenges for enterprise architects to incorporate insights into business processes. As a result, many companies are turning to complex event processing architecture tools to facilitate this process.

CEP concepts have been around for 20 years, said Roy Schulte, vice president at Gartner. More recently, enterprises have been adopting complex event processing architecture and stream processing to improve businesses processes.

“Stream processing is essentially modern wine in new bottles,” Schulte said. Today, people commonly use the terms streaming analytics or stream processing to describe the same concept as CEP. The vast majority of these systems process streams of events to create complex events. In essence, the system is taking in simple events, and then doing some math on them.

Enterprise architects need to consider how to chain together CEP components efficiently in order to stay ahead of competitors. CEP and stream processing can also improve the use of business process management (BPM) tools. A good starting point is to look at the evolution of BPM. There are also numerous tradeoffs around building and buying components. Enterprises also need to develop a strategy for building CEP-related skills.

  • The evolution of BPM  …..
  • Choosing to build or buy components – the “build it or buy it decision”  ……
  • Developing CEP skills  …..
  • Managing CEP costs  …..
  • Taking a big view of the enterprise’s CEP strategy…..

Read the report here.

DCL: By the way, there are various  market research studies appearing this year that are selling the claim that:  “the Complex Event Processing (CEP) Market is Expected to Reach 4.95 Billion USD by 2020”.

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