Event Processing Market Pulse 2007

Over the last 6 months, the buzz around event-driven architecture has been increasing in both practitioner and vendor circles. Gartner has recently kicked off their first summit focused on event processing and BAM (business activity monitoring). Many large enterprise infrastructure vendors have made and will continue to make significant investments in this space.

Recently, BEA and ebizQ did a vendor-anonymous survey to determine market readiness for event processing. The results were positively surprising. 90% of the ~450 respondents identified plans to put event driven applications in production within the next 2 years. The majority of respondents also confirmed that they think about event processing within the context of existing architectural paradigms like SOA (service oriented architecture) and IT project domains like BPM (business process management) and BAM (business activity monitoring), unlike many emerging technologies that are hailed as all encompassing replacement strategies. BEA Survey

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